Tag: haircut

STOP! Your Hair Deserves better

STOP! Your Hair Deserves better

Guys your hair is more than important. A good haircut and hairstyle means the world when trying to leave a good impression. I have seen way to many  guys do so many extra things to there hair, preventing them luscious locks. Its simple! just follow these 5 basic DONT’S! and your hair will be stunning and at its finest.

One STOP with the heat! High heat every day and your going to damage the hair shaft. Its not going to be as lively, bright as sexy, as it could and should be. Guys heat three days a week is all you need.

Two get your grubby hands out of your hair! Set it forget it, there is no reason for you to constantly be messing with your hair. On top of that your hands are dirty and greasy, so putting that into your hair is a death wish. During the day if you happen to look in a mirror and your hair dose not look as good as you want it to be, spruce it up a little, just keep your paws off from it through the day.

Three you want beautiful hair? Then STOP using hair products with a supper high alcohol content. Its simple high alcohol equals dry hair. Spend the extra buck and save your hair people.

Four choosing cheap hair products. This dose not mean stop looking for sales but stay away from poor quality hair products. This is mass marketed hair product. Products that you find in grocery stores, and convenient stores. These products are really bad quality and just awful for your hair. This will damage your hair, everything but healthy.

Five not giving your hair enough time to breath! Guys, wash your hair and don’t always have product in your hair. A lot of dudes will put product in there head in the morning and keep it all day then not shower. They don’t wash the product out of there hair until the next day to only put product right back into it. You need to give your hair and head time without product.

Guys lets keep that hair looking the best it can be! Stay away from these 5 things and TRUST ME your hair will be sexy.